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The king handled the aura excellently – now he’s 75 years old

He wants a scholarship to the City Mission as a gift for the 75th anniversary



He isolated himself in the countryside with Silvia. It takes care of almost everything digitally. The vaccination was done as soon as possible.

The king behaved perfectly during the year of Corona.

Today he is 75 years old. Congratulations, the king!

Sweden was a kingdom more than a thousand years ago. The king is the last king in the line. He has already served a record number of years, 48, the longest reign so far in our country.

From time to time she is questioned Monarchy, despite its long history as a country in Sweden. It has not yet wavered from its foundations.

The Somme Institute at Gothenburg University annually measures citizens’ attitudes toward various societal issues. Despite the anachronism one still has to say that the power is inherited is, a king can celebrate his birthday without the ground swinging under his feet or the feet of his offspring.

  • 45 years ago, 9% wanted to establish a republic. After nearly four decades, the number has risen to 20.

  • In 2003, 15 percent wanted to abolish the monarchy. After 15 years, the proportion was 21 percent.

  • During the same period, those wanting to preserve ownership fell 12 percentage points to 56 percent.

Hence the support decreases. But it is still very stable.

Lena Milin writes that the king's behavior during the Corona pandemic was impeccable.

Photo: Pontus Lundale / TT

Lena Milin writes that the king’s behavior during the Corona pandemic was impeccable.

The king can, just like usLooking back a year, the aura was completely dominated by it. His behavior was flawless.

He isolated himself with his wife Sylvia on a country farm at Steinhammar Castle in Surmland.

At an early stage, in mid-March, the king made a public introductory speech in an additional council with the government in the palace. it’s a very abnormal. The message was: Hold on, I am trying to do it.

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A few weeks later, he gave a speech to the nation from the Stenhammar Library. The Message: Get together, hold on.

In the castle in rural exile, he was also vaccinated against the Coronavirus, and as a role model, he allowed himself to be photographed wearing a wrapped T-shirt.

What can you ask the head of state? It gets the job done digitally. This was done by Carl XVI Gustav.

Perhaps it is the monarchy As a country at its best during crises like the Corona pandemic. The king does not have to take any political considerations into account, nor does he consider the upcoming elections. He can content himself with making a point of respect, reasonable and responsible.

Did you forget that the king stepped on the piano at the end of last year, saying that the Coronavirus is a failure?

No, I haven’t forgotten. But I don’t think it was a fad, a slip. Many fell ill and died in hospice care, which I understand the king was referring to, has already been said by the Corona Commission, Löfven and a number of experts. On the other hand, if the king had claimed that it worked well, it would have been amazing.

Of course, Christmas is celebrated Also digital and often boring events like this.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Stefan Löfven, received the Swedish municipalities, county councils and the representative of the Governors in the morning.

Greetings at lunch in five places in Sweden. And then a small defense reception in the afternoon.

The head of state does not even want gifts in the palace, it can lead to unwanted crowding. Gifts are rejected gently but firmly. Instead, the trustee proposes deposits to City Mission “to help more needy people around Sweden”.

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The king’s motto is “To Sweden in Time”. What does his call say about our time? I think too much.

A good, mixed bag of 75 years for a king

  • 1946. The king is born. Grandfather Gustav V sits on the throne for another four years. The Prime Minister is Bear Albin Hanson, who was succeeded by the Crown of Ireland four months later.

  • 1951: King 5 years old. The opening of the United Nations headquarters in New York. Radio legend Lennart Hyland is broadcasting the first “Carousel” to an audience at Radio Sweden’s new studio in Karlaplan, Stockholm.

  • 1956: King ten years. “Seventh Heaven” comedy film directed by Haas, father of Gusta Ekman. Election for the second council. Ireland’s crown continued as Prime Minister (until 1969).

  • 1961: K.15-year-old John F Kennedy takes over as President of the United States but is assassinated two years later. The trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann, who was active in the German Ministry of Security, began in Jerusalem.

  • 1966: The king is 20 years old. Esrange, Sweden’s first civilian missile research station, opens outside Kiruna. The plastic IUD is approved as a method of contraception.

  • 1971. The king is 25 years old. The unicameral parliament meets for the first time. The Swedish National Tax Board begins operations.

  • 1976. The king is 30 years old. The Social Democrats are losing government power for the first time in 44 years. Thorbjörn Fälldin (center) becomes prime minister in a bourgeois alliance.

  • 1981. The king is 35 years old. MTV begins broadcasting music videos 24 hours a day on cable television in the US. Sweden’s inflation rate is 7.4% (today, 1.8%).

  • 1986. King 40 years old. Prime Minister Olof Palme was assassinated in the open. Melting furnace at the Soviet nuclear power plant in Chernobyl.

  • 1991. The king is 45 years old. The Soviet Union finally collapses. Cancer cases are declining in Sweden for the first time in 30 years.

  • 1996. King 50 years old. Goran Persson was elected Prime Minister. Value-added tax on food has been reduced from 25 to 7.4 percent.

  • 2001. The king is 55 years old. Sweden is presiding over the European Union for the first time. Widespread riots at the summit of Gothenburg.

  • 2006. The king is 60 years old. Fredrik Reinfeldt became prime minister of the first government with the coalition. Svens, Sven-Goran Erickson, captain of the England national football team.

  • 2011. The king is 65 years old. Anders Behring Breivik killed a total of 85 people in two terrorist attacks in Norway. Security has also been strengthened in Sweden, and government departments will be closed in the near future.

  • 2016: King 70 years old. An extremely generous immigration law has been replaced by a law at the lower level of the European Union. Britain votes outside the European Union after 43 years.

  • 2021: The king is 75 years old. Donald Trump succeeds Joe Biden as President of the United States. The start of mass vaccination against Covid-19.

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