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The infectious disease physician reports measles cases in the county.

The infectious disease physician reports measles cases in the county.

People who suspect they have measles You should not seek emergency care. Instead, call 1177 by telephone and get instructions on where to go and how to get there. A person suspected of having measles should avoid public transport and waiting rooms.

In Sweden, this disease is uncommon because the measles vaccine is included in the childhood vaccination programme. Measles is more common in many other countries, and many countries in Europe are warning of ongoing measles outbreaks. Anyone infected can become seriously ill. Therefore, it is important to have measles vaccination protection when travelling outside Sweden. There is no need for a booster dose after the second dose, even if it has been a long time since vaccination.

Measles is one of the most contagious diseases of all, and it is enough to be in the same room as a person with measles, and for up to two hours after the person leaves the room, to become infected. Therefore, extensive contact tracing is carried out around each case to identify individuals who have been exposed but lack protection. Those who have previously had measles and those who have been vaccinated with two doses of measles vaccine are adequately protected against the disease.

The first symptoms of measles are usually a dry cough, irritated, red eyes that are sensitive to light, and a high fever. The classic rash usually appears about four days later and is first noticed on the face. You are already contagious when the first symptoms appear. The disease can be very serious, even life-threatening.

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Infection Control Doctor in Kalmar County 010-358 44 31