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The alligator broke all Mississippi state records

The alligator broke all Mississippi state records

Antelope was caught in the Yazoo River on the first day of the hunting season. Hunting team captain Donald Woods says: Mississippi Clarion Ledger That river was full of crocodiles – but not big enough.

– He says: “We hunted crocodiles for a long time and killed up to three and a half meters.”

But before long, they saw something that caught their attention.

– We saw that it was wide. His back was huge, says Woods, explaining that they managed to get a hook in the gator, but he managed again and again to break free.

It lasted all night

The hunting party is starting to realize how big the crocodile is. The fight went on for seven hours – almost the entire night – before they noticed the crocodile was getting tired. Finally they got him into the boat.

– We were amazed at how wide his back is and how big his head is. Honestly, it was completely surreal, says Woods.

Now Mississippi authorities have examined the alligator and found it to be the largest alligator ever caught in the state: it weighed 364 kilograms and was 4.3 meters long.

Read more: Crocodile killed a woman – continue to guard the corpse
Read more: A 1.2-meter crocodile has been caught in New York

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The hunter does not realize the danger until it is too late
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