The laboratory is not enough for the record spread of infection that the Omicron variant brought to Sweden.
Many areas now urge you not to get tested, despite your symptoms.
– I think it is a pity, says Togrul Yarsovat, 61, in Avesta.
Shortly after lunch on Monday, Togrul Yarsovat, 61, a resident of Avesta, arrived at his local testing station in Avesta. He’s been sick over the weekend, but is starting to feel better and wants to get back to work.
But when he arrived at the test station, he was met by a sign announcing that it was closed due to limited testing capacity and that he would be back the next day.
– Yes you, it’s a hit on the chest, a pity. Very strange and radical, he says.
Yesterday, Dalarna District announced that there is an acute shortage of analytical capacity in the county. On Tuesday, they said health and care staff, and those involved in infection tracing, are priority categories. The general public is requested to refrain from sampling.
And it looks similar across the country.
Enter the laboratory Maximum number
To a large extent, the lab is overburdened. ABC Labs, which analyzes tests from 13 of 21 regions, is awash in tests, and has introduced a maximum number from each region, according to reports. icoot.
But there are many who have other problems as well. In the Gotland region, there is a shortage of test kit materials, which means the testing station will be closed on Tuesday, according to reports p 4. Previously, the Stockholm region had problems with transportation that could lead to the removal of the test group.
Västra Götaland managed to solve the problem by sending a sample set to a laboratory in Germany.
– It looks like it’s being sorted now. We are working on improving streams now. Instead of flying the kite from Arlanda, as we are doing now, we will fly it directly from Landvetter. The goal now is to run samples the same night they are taken, so those who took the tests can get their answers faster, says sampling coordinator Per Sikora.
In addition, the district has worked to develop more test kits, and set up new “filling stations” for transport to health centers.
New recommendations
The testing chaos has led to regions providing new recommendations for testing. Västerbotten . region He urged, among other things, not to test people who live with someone who has been confirmed to have COVID-19 and has symptoms, but to stay home for seven days from the first symptoms.
Anyone positive about the rapid test should never have a PCR test, but should stay home for seven days from the first symptoms.
“Today we have completely stopped sampling for the public,” Gunilla Persson, assistant infection control physician at Västerbotten, wrote in an email.
And Jönköping District This week we recommend people with mild symptoms or who have met someone with COVID-19 who has no symptoms to wait for sampling. Also Kronoberg District Asymptomatic patients are urged to refrain from testing.
According to the urging of Dagens Nyheter Blekinge District Only people registered in the area to test themselves there.
Most districts are careful to point out that interim testing recommendations do not apply to health care staff, who must continue to provide tests.
SKR: Incredible Test Pressure
regions and Swedish Public Health Agency Shares responsibility for ensuring that the test, in terms of analyzes and the test itself, is working as it should.
According to the Swedish municipalities and regions, SKR, there has been a significant increase in testing capacity, but the pressure has become very high.
— But when there’s unbelievable pressure, it means that on every occasion you can’t always guarantee a quick sampling and analysis, says Emma Spaak, SKR’s chief medical and health care provider.
It also says districts are working to get the largest capacity possible, but many activities are part of the testing chain.
It could be about delivering tests, or lab analysis of tests. There are many steps that will work in the chain, and if there is high pressure, it can take longer, says Emma Plumber.
A test is recommended if we have symptoms, but in some areas the waiting times for PCR tests are relatively long. What do you do if you don’t get time for an exam?
If you have symptoms, it is very important that you follow the recommendations that apply so you can get yourself tested, says Emma Plumber.
As has been the case in recent weeks, some people have not been able to test themselves. How many people can it be?
– We have no information about her, so it is difficult to say. The goal here is for everyone with symptoms to get tested so we can get as much safe data as possible, but there’s a risk of a dark number, says Emma Plumber.
Can’t go back to work
Several people affected by the testing chaos contacted Aftonbladet. Some wait a week for their answer, others just don’t have the time.
Tugrul Yarsuvat works in the care of LSS and would like to return to work as soon as possible, but wants to make sure he is healthy.
– We are very afraid for our residents, and I am too. He says: I have to make sure I did not catch the virus.
He plans to return to the Avesta test on Tuesday, to see if he can get the time.
– It’s great to test yourself, and if you can’t test yourself, how many don’t come out after that, he asks himself.
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