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Swedish Committee for Afghanistan: Afghanistan risks becoming a new Syria

Swedish Committee for Afghanistan: Afghanistan risks becoming a new Syria

The Swedish-Afghan Commission operates in 17, or about half, of the country’s provinces. They see concretely how the civilian population is affected when the Taliban exploit the power vacuum that creates when the United States and international forces withdraw, according to Chief Communications Officer Niklas Erickson.

– There was a report by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, showing that the numbers of dead and wounded returned to the same high levels as in 2014, 2015, 2106 and 2017. Hu says.

The activities of the Committee are also significantly affected.

We run schools for 100,000 children and healthcare with 1.7 million visitors each year. We see how difficult it is for our employees to get to work and for patients to get to the hospital. He says it is difficult for school children to go to school.

Niklas Ericsson, Head of Communications.

Niklas Ericsson, Head of Communications.

Photo: Ola Jacobsen.

He fears that Afghanistan is in danger To become the new Syria, with a “refugee crisis of gigantic proportions.”

We hope, of course, that there will be a ceasefire and that the negotiators will reach some kind of peace agreement. But if the fight escalates instead, the situation will be very tragic. People have been trying to flee Afghanistan for decades and fighting escalates with fighting.

Goran Holmqvist, Head of Asia, Middle East and Humanitarian Aid at CIDA, also cited Afghanistan as one of several countries from which people are largely fleeing.

– Many are on the move and much has been written about the fact that Afghans have already started pouring into Turkey. He says they will likely flee inside the country, into Pakistan and into the former Soviet Union in the north.

Afghan army guards a road in Injil in Herat Province.  The provincial governor's spokesman said about 100 soldiers were killed in the fighting in Herat.

Afghan army guards a road in Injil in Herat Province. The provincial governor’s spokesman said about 100 soldiers were killed in the fighting in Herat.

Photo: Hoshang Hashimi / AFP

Likely to be there He says he has a strong desire to reach Europe in the future.

– But I cannot assess how it will work on the borders of Europe, especially in Turkey.

Niklas Eriksson of the Swedish-Afghan Committee believes it is important that the outside world does not abandon the country.

– The need to continue to pressure the parties to the conflict until they reach a kind of peaceful settlement, in which the rights of the civilian population and, above all, women are guaranteed.

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