Andreas Grant in “Locked down”: Recorded by Zoom
Photo: Richard Ryan de Cuevas
Andreas Grant stars in the HBO movie “Locked down”. click on the picture.
Swedish actor Andreas Grant has never had a movie role outside Sweden’s borders. When the pandemic struck, he suddenly had to play against greats like Anne Hathaway and Ben Stiller – via Zoom.
“Locked down” is about a couple (Anne Hathaway and Chiwetel Eijofor) who are separated, but have to put up with each other when Londoners are forced into quarantine due to the Corona pandemic. Andreas Grant plays Oscar Carlson the Swede, in charge of the Anne Hathaway character at an international company.
– My scenes were recorded via Zoom. The only voice guy who came to my house had picked up the sound from my apartment. He says all the big names, except for the two main characters, are included via a link in the movie.
The epidemic struck
Other roles also recorded via the link include Ben Stiller, Ben Kingsley, Dane Claes Bang and Mindy Kaling. The film premiered on HBO Max in the US and is scheduled to premiere in Europe in early March. Andreas Grant was looking for a British agent and got a lollipop before the Corona pandemic took his hold on Britain.
I had booked some meetings and was going there, but then the Swedish airlines started canceling their flights. An agent wanted to sign with me without meeting me, and that’s how I got the role later. He says the movie company saw my video, but I don’t know why they stuck with me.
They did not meet each other
He says he knew that Academy Award winner Anne Hathaway would play the main role, but he didn’t know much more than that, as the actors hadn’t met each other during filming.
Before I shot the first scene, the voice factor said, “Did you know Ben Stiller is going to play against you now?” There was a lot to take when you were about to debut internationally. But Ben was so helpful, he started improvising the role to make the situation more relaxing. Unfortunately, none of that was included in the movie.
“Orca” by Josephine Bornebusch, a Swedish film shot in conditions similar to “Locked down”, premiered recently. Andreas Grant says director Doug Lehmann (“Edge of Tomorrow”, “Bourne Identity”) seemed a bit nervous to finish the movie while the pandemic was still real.
We talked about it, he wanted the epidemic to remain relevant. They wrote the script, filmed it and finished it in ten months. From the reactions I have received, it appears that people are getting to know themselves, especially in the UK where they have already been isolated in their homes. The movie depicts how you start drinking, and arguing with your partner, and I think a lot of people around the world can communicate, he says.
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