Western Sweden
“Extreme tv maven. Beer fanatic. Friendly bacon fan. Communicator. Wannabe travel expert.”
The winds downed several trees throughout the day on Friday, including here on County Road 2703 outside Skara. Photo: Johan Sjöström
Storm Babbitt moves over Sweden on Friday. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT
SMHI has issued an orange warning for high water levels and storm surge in southern Scania. Strong winds are also expected in Gothenburg. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT
Along Sweden’s southern coast, flood dams have been created in some places. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT
Great Britain was also badly affected, with many people dying as a result. Here rescuers are shown working in a flooded area in Scotland. Photo: Andrew Milligan
Great Britain was also badly affected, with many people dying as a result. Here rescuers are shown working in a flooded area in Scotland. Photo: Andrew Milligan
Flooding occurred outside Trelleborg in Skane on Friday evening. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT
In Port Scanor it was very stormy and sea levels rose by 1.2 meters on Friday afternoon. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT
The lifeguard tower in Falsterbo was falling during the evening. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT
SMHI has issued an orange warning for high water levels along the southern coast of Skåne and its southwest corner. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT
A tree fell on top of a car in Boråsvägen in the evening. Photo: Joachim Eriksson / Agena Image
Western Sweden
“Extreme tv maven. Beer fanatic. Friendly bacon fan. Communicator. Wannabe travel expert.”
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