picture: Title: Professor Jonas Ludvigsson. Photo: Alexander Donka Risk of serious infection In their paper, the researchers built their findings...
The Kempestiftelserna Foundation, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation together with the University of Umeå are investing SEK 67.5 million...
- The new grant will enhance microbiological research in Umeå and create new opportunities for expanding collaborations, says Oliver Belker,...
Can advanced camera technology be used to prevent life-threatening diseases? The answer is yes. Behind this innovation is a Franco-Belgian-Italian...
picture: Title: Professor Jonas Ludvigsson. Photo: Alexander Donka Similar results for men and women The researchers also investigated whether the...
display stations Our test stations were a success! We are very grateful for that Matty Nikolafrom the Department of Cell...
display stations Our test stations were a success! We are very grateful for that Matty Nikolafrom the Department of Cell...
Viruses are not only evil, they once played an important role in human evolution and without them we wouldn't even...
Regulates the body's immune response Science already knows that diseases related to the central nervous system - such as Alzheimer's...
There were high levels of many different diseases during the flu season. Photo: MostPhotos.com The prevalence of influenza A...