By injecting the monkeypox vaccine into the skin rather than under the skin, a smaller dose is sufficient to provide...
Approximately 2% of all boys in Sweden require surgery because one or both testicles have not migrated into the scrotum....
One problem, according to Per J. Nelson, chief medical officer at Karolinska University Hospital and lecturer in surgery and lecturer...
Monkeypox originally spread from animals to humans, and now scientists worry that the virus will pass from humans to animals...
Many other preservatives and biocides are very sensitive if they come in contact with the skin. Many of them are...
Birds, which are descended from carnivorous dinosaurs, lack a portion of the sugar receptor in mammals. This should make them...
Memory can be improved for at least a month by safely stimulating parts of the brain with electrolytes. The researchers...
Research shows that when a woman's fertility is extended, her life can also be extended because the ovaries produce hormones...
People's ability to distinguish between reliable and misleading information is related to education and practical experience. With the help of...
Has an international research team They developed a method for detecting cancerous tumors earlier than current methods. The method involves...