According to the latest reports, Samsungs Galaxy Watch 4 Get some design changes. Namely, there are rumors that the yet-to-be-announced smartwatch will receive batteries from a supplier other than Galaxy Watch 3Which indicates that both the design and shape of the upcoming device may change to accommodate the new battery.
There are now rumors that the Galaxy Watch 4 will have a 240mAh battery (for the 41mm model) and 350mAh (for the 45mm model), compared to its predecessor, 247mAh and 340mAh, respectively. Based on that, the new battery doesn’t seem to offer any improvement compared to what we’ve seen before. However, the Galaxy Watch 4 could make battery improvements in other areas to compensate for this, such as including a more efficient chipset.
It’s possible that Samsung’s new battery supplier for their Galaxy Watch is Chinese company Amperex Technology Limited (ATL). Samsung ended its previous collaboration with the company in 2017, after problems with Galaxy Note 7Fires, but in 2019 they restarted their cooperation for Galaxy S21Cell phone series.
What do we know most about the Galaxy Watch 4?
The biggest change will be the smartwatch operating system. Several leaks, including one from Ice Universe (which has a very long track record) claim the Galaxy Watch 4 instead of being used Tizen, It will run Wear OS, which is the Android operating system for smartwatches.
There are also rumors that a Samsung smartwatch may get a glucose meter (which measures blood sugar levels), but it remains unclear about the Galaxy Watch 4. Galaxy Watch Active 3 Or both will use this device.
Finally, if design is more important to you, the Galaxy Watch 4 might look a little different compared to previous models. The Galaxy Watch 4 will obviously be borrowing color palettes from Galaxy Z Fold 3And the Galaxy Z Flip 3A series of cell phones – so we might see the smartwatch in beige, black, green and purple.
We don’t think it will be long before we find out what the Galaxy Watch 4 really looks like, although an exact launch date hasn’t been revealed yet. We will make sure to update our readers as soon as we hear more about the smartwatch.
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