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Real Finns slow decisions about aid packages


The Finnish Parliament (Riksdag) postponed the decision on the European Recovery Fund for the first time on Wednesday.

Photo: Emmi Korhonen / AP / TT

The Finnish Parliament (Riksdag) postponed the decision on the European Recovery Fund for the first time on Wednesday.


For several days, the Finnish Parliament has been debating the European Union’s Post-Pandemic Recovery Fund, worth 750 billion euros. The vote has already been postponed once, and the real Finns want it to be postponed again.

Finland’s decision on this issue is of great importance, as the European Union cannot begin distributing funds before all member states agree to the support package.

True Finns has warned that the loan fund, which is being financed by loans, risks becoming the base for the European Union’s future work.

– Jussi Halla-aho of True Finns said when Parliament debated the issue before its first planned vote on Wednesday, that the support package is not a one-off phenomenon, has nothing to do with the Coronavirus and does not support anything. For Yle.

The Christian Democrats are also opposed to the support package, and the ruling Center Party has expressed criticism.

During the night until Friday, the real Finns demanded to hear the Constitutional Committee’s opinion on whether the case could be postponed until June, something President Tarja Filatov (SDP) rejected for the first time, indicating that the matter had already been postponed once by the agency. SPT news.

But on Friday morning Filatov changed. The question went to an afternoon vote as Parliament decided not to delay the matter.

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Thus, it is free to decide on the matter of the recovery fund. But when that might happen is unclear. When Swedish YLE asked her how long the party intends to continue the debate at Riksdag, Lulu Run of True Finns replied:

There is no plan, but there are many speakers on the list.
