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Rally quiz Skaraborg – an exciting new digital betting tour

Rally quiz Skaraborg – an exciting new digital betting tour

Skaraborg Rally Competition

There are many gems to discover Scaraborg during late summer. Tour organizations have rounded up some of their favorites at the Rally-quiz Skaraborg, a digital tour of tips from August to September that draws visitors.

Nice quotes await those who have the right answers. The competition runs until September 30th.

An exciting digital tour of Skaraborg’s tips

Digital Rally-quiz Skaraborg Hint Tour on a temporary visit to the Kulturväg Skaraborg app.

Qvarnstensgruvan in Lugnås, Sörboleden in Lundsbrunn, Axevalla Hed, Främmestads hembygdsmuseum, Levene Äng and Kulturkvarteret in Hjo are some examples of places. In total, there are about 25 places published with photos and information.

Many are located next to a nice cafe or restaurant, others invite you for a walk. When you visit the place, a question appears in the app to answer.

Want to attract day trips and weekend trips

Late summer in Skaraborg offers many great experiences. With Rally-quiz Skaraborg, we want to playfully attract day trips and weekend trips. “ says Jessica Bergstrand, destination developer at Next Skövde.

The prize pool includes an overnight stay at Bjertorp Castle, a good package at Lundsbrunn Resort & Spa or a bowling experience at Lumber & Karle in Kvänum.

  • text: Next Skövde
  • Photo: Tobias Anderson/Next Scoved

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