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Professor on the government’s decision: “Not a good idea.”

Professor on the government’s decision: “Not a good idea.”

Earlier this week Nyheter24 reported about her The government plans to ease coronary artery restrictions in Sweden on June 1. The date prior to that was May 17 but the prime minister Stefan Lovin He said during a press conference that the spread of infection does not allow this.

The new restrictions that will take effect from June 1 are as follows:

  • Restaurants and bars may be open until 22:30.
  • Increase the attendance ceiling for sporting and cultural events. Outdoors, 100 people will be allowed without seats, with the number of seats 500.
  • Theme parks like Gröna Lund, Skara Sommarland, and Liseberg all have the same rules as other theme parks. Instead of eight people, they just need to ensure each visitor has at least 20 square meters to commute.
  • Camp activities and cup activities are permitted for children.

The infection can reappear in the fall

Last year, the spread of infection decreased over the summer in Sweden – something the Swedish Public Health Agency hopes will happen again this year.

Bjorn OlsenThe infectious disease professor, however, is not in favor of a June 1 dampening of reactions. In an interview with Expressen, he said that the government’s decision is a bad idea and that he believes Sweden should wait until midsummer.

Last year there were more cluster injuries. Now we have a massive seed of the virus in the population and the infection is mainly caused by young people – and they’re not suitable for vaccination. So, unfortunately, I think we’ll have to deal with this over the summer, he tells Expressen and continues:

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– Therefore, it is possible that it will speed up again in the fall.

“You should be very, very careful.”

Bjorn Olsen believes that the government made the decision to relax the restrictions for political reasons, and that people are tired of the restrictions. But at the same time, it stresses the importance of caution.

Of course, no one wants harsh restrictions during the summer. At the same time, the infection prevalence is high in Sweden. He says we have to be very careful Expressen.