Positive with naps: 6 advantages of sleeping in the middle of the day
Taking a nap in the early afternoon has many positive effects.
Researchers in Singapore have taken note.
nap length
something hotly debated with taking naps – or as they are called in the States; Power nap – how long naps should be.
But the exact number of minutes is not the deciding factor according to Dr. Ruth Leung and her research team at the National University of Singapore.
– Researchers say that all naps from 10 to 60 minutes are more beneficial than waking up, according to The Sun.
better memory
One who sleeps for a while in the middle of the day achieves many beneficial effects.
According to the researchers’ study, it was possible to prove, among other things, that the following benefits appeared:
– You get in a better mood
You get a better memory
– become more active
In addition, the positive effects last for several hours, according to the paper.
32 test subjects
Researchers in Singapore came to the conclusion after studying 32 women and men.
– The 32 guys [som ingick i undersökningen] They sleep the usual amount of sleep at night, the research team explains.
Then they underwent four different tests:
– Awake
– Nap in 10 minutes
– Nap in 30 minutes
– Nap in 60 minutes
The four tests were conducted on four different days.
Nap in 10 minutes
Mood, perceived fatigue, and cognitive ability were then measured at periods of 5, 30, 60, and 240 minutes after waking up, the research team explains.
The goal was to compare the benefits of different naps.
The researchers concluded that a 30-minute nap had the greatest benefits.
Better mood, less tiredness and increased alertness last up to four hours after a nap.
But even just a 10-minute nap had an effect, according to the researchers.
Faster reaction time
Professor Goran Kiklund of the Institute for Stress Research confirms that just a five-minute nap also has an effect.
It lists three other advantages in addition to the three above:
You get better focus
– You get increased attention
You get faster reaction
According to research, if employees take a nap, the employer also benefits.
“You simply get a boost of energy and can often do better after such a short sleep,” he says.
Photo: Z. Kaiyev
Text: Editors
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