Division among the major European Union countries. Germany will not participate in the ban on internal combustion engines from 2035....
The campaign started at the beginning of the year and will continue throughout the year. The region wants to reach...
With Playstation VR 2, Sony has chosen to only allow Playstation 5 owners access to the VR world via a...
Over the weekend, police in Ohio received calls of the slightly more bizarre kind, namely a man who said he...
What does contract mean? The US and UK are providing Australia with submarine technology and a naval presence to improve...
Vattenfall Eldistribución has today commissioned a new 130 kV line between Nykvarn in Nykvarn municipality and Almnäs in Södertälje municipality....
The spread of both influenza A and B is continuing across the country, especially among children. After a few children...
The most popular model in the gaming world is Free to play, where the developer releases games for free, and...
For seven years, the lion Bob Jr., also known as Snyggve on the Internet, has reigned supreme over a lion...
A UK bath house has teamed up with Deep Green to develop a device that allows a small "data center"...