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Our organization – LKAB

Our organization – LKAB

LKAB was founded in 1890 and has evolved ever since through unique innovations and technical solutions. Today, we have more than 4,500 employees in 12 countries.

Annual general meeting

Our daily work is carried out in the areas of work, iron ore and special products. Decentralization in business areas aims, among other things, to differentiate more clearly between tasks belonging to the group and production.

Operations in the iron ore business are largely carried out in Norrbotten, where we have mines and processing, among others. Within Special Products, operations are primarily concentrated in Sweden and Great Britain, but are also present in nine other countries in Europe, Asia and North America.

We also have several subsidiaries, which offer various products and services based on, among other things, innovations that are closely related to the core businesses of our Group.

Ownership and management

The legal name of LKAB is Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag (publ) and our organization number is 556001-5835. The company is 100% owned by the Swedish state. The Minister of Enterprise is responsible for state-owned enterprises in the government.

Our highest decision-making bodies are the General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the CEO. The Board of Directors is appointed by the Ordinary General Meeting (also called the Annual General Meeting) which in turn appoints the Chief Executive Officer, who is responsible for day-to-day operations within the guidelines and instructions set by the Board of Directors.

Our Managing Director leads the business with the assistance of his executive staff and a management group that includes managers of our business areas and other units.

Our subsidiaries

LKAB has a number of subsidiaries that contribute to the operations of the group company and provide products and services to external customers. The companies that have their clients are:

With the exception of LKAB Fastigheter, the above companies belong to the special products business area.

In addition, we have subsidiaries such as LKAB Malmtrafik, which is responsible for our ports and crude trains, and LKAB Nät, which provides services to the electricity grid operated by Vattenfall.

Frequently asked questions and answers

No, LKAB is wholly owned by the Swedish state.

It is held annually, within six months of the end of the fiscal year and no later than April 30. Read more about our corporate governance.
Members of the Swedish Parliament have the right to attend our general meetings. It is also open to the public. Read more about our corporate governance.
According to Swedish company law, “the right of shareholders to decide on the affairs of the company must be exercised at the general meeting.” In other words, a general meeting is a meeting where shareholders make a decision on certain issues. An LLC must annually hold an ordinary general meeting, which is also commonly referred to as an annual general meeting and an annual meeting. At this meeting, among other things, decisions are made regarding the company’s accounts, the composition of the board of directors and freedom from liability. There are two other types of general meetings: extraordinary and continuing general meetings. Read more at