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Online doctor backlash: Shutting down in UK

Online doctor backlash: Shutting down in UK

Mikael Hirala, at F-Secure, the IT security company
Mikael Hirala, at F-Secure, the IT security company

By automating their attacks, today’s cyber criminals can attack the many and easily find victims who did not adequately protect their devices.

It is important to keep your devices updated and use security software on them. In this way, costly and privacy-violating cybercrime is avoided, says Mikael Herrala of IT security firm F-Secure.

Phishing is a type of cybercrime that is on the rise. In 2020, there were 34% more phishing attacks compared to the previous year. Here, perpetrators manipulate users to voluntarily give out sensitive information, such as personal information or payment information, by, for example, getting them to click on links in urgent emails, text messages, and in chat conversations. The information can then be used in the event of a crime or resold in criminal settings.

Phishing increases sharply because it works and can be automated. If you receive an unexpected message or an offer that is too good to be true, block the sender and then delete the message, says Mikael Herrala.

Ransomware is another type of cybercrime that does more and more harm. By inserting malicious code into the victim’s computer or mobile devices in various ways, hard drives and servers can be compromised and encrypted. The perpetrator then demands that the victim pay a larger ransom, for example in an untraceable cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, to regain access to his data.

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A new and growing type of cybercrime is Trickbot, which is a hidden program that enters the victim’s computer, among other things, that opens a back door and allows criminals to remotely control the computer to commit new crimes.

F-Secure TOTAL offers a wide range of protections

There are good and effective ways to protect yourself from this type of cyber crime.

F-Lock He developed a safety program F-Secure TOTAL For individuals and small businesses. It contains many functions and provides comprehensive online protection.

Protects against more than just viruses and malware. It can block websites that try to cheat money or access personal information. Plus, it protects your money when banking and shopping online, explains Mikael Hirala.

The protection also includes a VPN function that encrypts the user’s internet connection to prevent criminals from spying on or tracking the user’s online activities. Another good feature is the password manager.

It is extremely important to have long passwords and to have different passwords for all of their different services. But remembering it is very difficult. With a password manager, this happens seamlessly across all of your different devices, says Mikael Herrala.

F-Secure TOTAL also includes advanced parental control that protects children from inappropriate content on the Internet.

F-Secure TOTAL Fick Prestigepris

In an independent comparison for AV-TEST, F – Secure SAFE, which is part of F-Secure TOTAL, was awarded the prestigious awards as Best Protection and Best Performance for 2020.

With F-Secure TOTAL you get good protection without causing performance losses. You can stream movies or play games online with complete protection without anyone noticing. Mikael Hirala concludes that it suits all family members.

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Click here to try F-Secure TOTAL for free.