This is an opinion text.The position of the newspaper is independent, social democratic.
Sometimes a picture really says a thousand words. Jörgen Svendsen from Arbetarbladet took just such a photo of the chimpanzee Selma in Voroviksparken some time ago.
The picture is painful to look at. Selma was injured in the eye during the shooting at Voroviksparken. Her injury is clearly visible in Svendsen’s photo.
Selma was injured in the eye during the shooting at Voroviksparken.
Photo: Jürgen Svendsen
Although a total collapse At Furuvik, they are already working on new animals to try and get customers into the park.
During Wednesday, the zoo got Approved by the Swedish Agriculture Agency for the import of red pandas. The import plan was already in place prior to the shooting at Vorovik, but it doesn’t seem to have started yet. In this case, the red panda will come to Furovik from a zoo in Great Britain.
Conservation work is no more important than being there quickly with guns when a chimpanzee escaped.
at the same time you have Last fall people in Orsa decided to close Orsa Björnpark. The business is not profitable. And now, among other things, polar bears are waiting for their next destination. Ursa also highlighted conservation work as important. However, restoration work is clearly no more important than closing the park when it is no longer profitable.
The red panda will be the next species he tastes at Furuviksparken.
Photo: Kristin Karunaratne
Vorovik Park And other zoos always take pride in their conservation work. It is highlighted as a very important value. As far as Vorovik is concerned, though, the Parks and Resorts owners are also very clear that it is an important piece of work, because it has been highlighted as part of public opinion work to assert the zoo’s justification for existence.
What chimpanzees let loose in Vorovik’s shows, though, is that, after all, the act of conservation is no more important than being there quickly with guns when the chimps escaped.
Now the red panda species will get a taste of Furuviksparken.
as a customer There is reason to ponder whether this is truly an endangered species that you do when you visit Vorovik. Or if it’s the billionaires who own Vorovik.
Summer is approaching. You will have to choose as a client. Of course, it is not necessarily an obvious or simple choice. Yes, there are species that are endangered and need to be preserved, perhaps even through conservation, research and captive breeding. weighs in one scale. In the second, there are question marks surrounding parks and resorts, how true the commitment to endangered species is in terms of the commitment to turn a profit.
do you land? In that Furuvik would actually be a better business without the animals in captivity, your wallet is Furuvik season’s best megaphone to get your message across to owners.
It is possible to talk to Malik Furovik through your wallet.
And explain what you actually think about the Vorovik shooting.
Because if there is one language companies are fluent in, it’s money.
“Extreme tv maven. Beer fanatic. Friendly bacon fan. Communicator. Wannabe travel expert.”
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