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New information from Wuhan updates laboratory theory

New information from Wuhan updates laboratory theory

Today the scientist wrote already a year ago that there is information indicating that the virus has spread from the laboratory.

Controversy over the origin of the coronavirus has now erupted even in the major media, after it was revealed that three researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) should have been receiving hospital care for coronavirus-like symptoms already in November 2019. The information comes from a US intelligence report , like the Wall Street Journal that took note of.

“This is another sign that the laboratory theory needs to be properly and independently investigated,” said Philippa Lentzos, a biosafety researcher at King’s College London in the UK. Swedish daily newspaper.

Lab theory revolves around That the coronavirus had accidentally leaked out of the lab.

Not entirely true, however, says Zhao Lijian, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, regarding the US information.

He claims that WIV has not yet spread and had no spread of infection among staff and students, TT writes.

After the visit to Wuhan, a group of WHO experts described the laboratory theory as “highly unlikely,” despite the fact that the WIV has not released any preliminary data, safety records or lab reports about its extensive work with research on the coronavirus.

However, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated that this theory needs further investigation.

And now he is being questioned WHO Panel Report. This is after it was noted that its leading expert, American zoologist and researcher Peter Daszak, had funded and conducted research at WIV, at the same time as being part of the expert group, Swedish daily newspaper.

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Since 2003, Daszak’s Eco Health Alliance has collaborated with WIV by collecting and experimenting with virus samples from bats. Part of the research is about manipulating coronaviruses from nature to make them more dangerous to humans. The goal is said to be the ability to develop vaccines at an early stage in the next pandemic.

Daszak is now being criticized by many researchers. One of them is Nikolai Petrovsky, professor of immunology at Flinders University in Australia.

– Daszak has a significant conflict of interest at the highest level possible, he tells SvD.

Petrovsky believes Daszak has a clear self-interest in advocating that the virus comes from wild animals.

– If it turns out that the virus comes from a lab leak at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan where Daszak is conducting research, his financial support and respected standing will be severely damaged.

Petrovsky also notes that China vetoed the composition of the WHO group and that the country blocked everyone proposed by the United States, with the exception of Peter Daszak.

– So in practice, China chose the group. Daszak prefers their version of the original. But that’s like letting an accused killer pick a judge and jury, he says.

According to information that is currently being investigated in Congress, the entire research program conducted on the bat virus in Wuhan was funded with US funding, including through grants from the Department of Defense. Peter Daszak will be called to a congressional hearing.