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Movie Review – Black Panther: Wakanda Forever – Culture News at P1

Movie Review – Black Panther: Wakanda Forever – Culture News at P1

nickname: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
direction: Ryan Coogler
the actor: Letita Wright, Lupita Nyong’o, Danny Gurira, Winston Duke, and others.
It can be viewed at: Cinema
rank: 4 out of 5

The king is dead and the world’s hungry eyes are turned towards a nation where natural resources have unlimited value.

way too many Superhero movies are about someone who has to find the right guy to stop the idiot from winning in the end.

Not Black Panther 2018.

It has lent its superpower to fighting post-colonial ideologies and has done so without losing an ounce of superhero action.

When the star Chadwick Boseman Tragically dying of cancer just months before the sequel was to be filmed, many doubted there would ever be a movie.

Tough, then, that Wakanda Forever feels like one of the best Marvel movies in many years.

It contains an emotional farewell to both Boseman and his character T’Challa, but above all else: director Ryan Coogler still seems to understand that these kinds of movies get more interesting the more sympathy we have for the bad guys. Righteous revenge becomes less sweet and darkness brighter.

The world is complicatedWe know that, we are not used to facing this fact by wearing tights and leotards.

Unlike the first Black Panther movie, the sequel is forced to weave in more of the Marvel universe and is certainly 2 hours and 40 minutes too long, but with its fun music, crazy fantasy costumes, and oversized emotions, Dungeon of Wakanda Forever trumps almost everything else in the genre right now.

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