The Hubble telescope continues to make discoveries that bring humans ever closer to the point where the universe formed about 13.7 billion years ago.
waiting for new The James Webb Telescope, which has now taken its first experimental images, will begin providing scientific data sometime this summer, and the world’s astronomers are using the faithful Hubble Telescope.
On Wednesday, new research was published in the journal nature Where a group of scientists led by astronomer Brian Welch from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore has been able to prove that they have discovered the most distant star known so far. The star is named Earendel, which means morning star in Old English, and the European Space Agency (ESA) writes on its website website.
Estimated Earendel approximate It has a mass fifty times greater than the Sun and could be a star of the oldest universe, located about 12.9 billion light-years from Earth.
It is not yet clear the question of whether it was a single star of the first generation to form in the universe. In an email to DN, Eric Zachrisson of Uppsala University’s Department of Physics and Astronomy, who was involved in the study, wrote:
“Finding a member of the first generation of stars (the third population) is kind of a holy grail in the search for the infancy of the universe, but we’re not there yet. Earndale could be such a star, and we’ve been given time to observe on the James Webb Telescope to check what If that is the case, but at the moment it cannot be determined.”
discovered with Using a so-called gravitational lens that helps the telescope see stars that are too far away to be observed. A gravitational lens is an accumulation of matter in space, like a group of galaxies, that creates enough matter in place that it can divert light rays from objects behind the mass so that they are visible on the other side.
The Hubble Telescope Discovered the Oldest Previously Known Star 2018. This time, too, the discovery was made using a gravitational lens that amplifies light from the distant star Lensed Star 1.
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