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Mission: Far Cry multiplayer was released before Far Cry 7

Mission: Far Cry multiplayer was released before Far Cry 7

He is said to be an extraction shooter. Or a shooter, as we say in old Svedala.

Rumors from earlier this year that far cry– The series will continue with two separate titles that will now be fed with additional data. They will come again From indoor games Sources claim that the multiplayer game has a working name Maverick It is possible that he will be released before then Far cry 7 (Full volume follows far cryGame, working name Blackbird).

“Is the rumor true? Answer!”

Maverick It is said to be a shooting game where you are lured into the fictional region of Alachenica (based on Alaska) only to find that chaos and hostilities prevail. There you will scavenge for resources and craft all kinds of tools that will help you survive. Possessions disappear when you die, but you and your (potential?) teammates have a shared hideout where things are kept permanently. The goal is to collect plrys, level up and buy rewards. Everything is related to the level system, and to level up, you have to solve several tasks, so you can then buy better abilities, tools, and more.

According to sources, the game’s appearance changed several times during development. From the beginning, Ubisoft must have planned to make a game, Far cry 7But somewhere it must have been decided to divide the seventh and Maverick.

Of course, there are no dates (none have been revealed), but there are cautious whispers that spring 2025 is loosely targeted by Maverick. And Far cry 7 So it should come after Maverick. All of this is according to unconfirmed rumours.

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