According to Windows Central, Microsoft is planning to release a smaller model of the Surface Pro and Surface Go 4 powered by an ARM processor. The new Surface Pro model will be 11-inches and currently codenamed Shorter. It should be more powerful than the Surface Go, about the same size, have thinner bezels around the screen, and 120Hz.
The Surface Go 4 with ARM will use a chip based on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 7c. Among other things, this should mean that the device receives 5G support for the first time. However, in terms of design, it should only be about small changes.
Windows Central writes that the devices are unlikely to launch before the fall. Microsoft had initially planned to introduce the new Surface Go this spring, but that plan has now been changed. Microsoft will also have to wait for Qualcomm to start shipping new Nuvia chips before it can launch its next Surface Pro.
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