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Microsoft is experimenting with “Super Duper Secure Mode” in Edge

Microsoft is experimenting with “Super Duper Secure Mode” in Edge

Microsoft Edge browser has started to increase in popularity among users recently and Firefox recently updated in number of users. In its latest beta builds, Microsoft has now started experimenting with a feature aimed at increasing security.

The function has a working name “Project Super Duper Secure Mode” and one of the main components is that you turn it off right on timeCompilation of JavaScript (JIT). Microsoft believes that Javascript is responsible for the majority of security issues on modern websites and that it is also difficult for browser developers to keep up. MalwareDeveloper.

Currently, SDSM disables JIT (TurboFan / Sparkplug) and enables CET. Currently, Web Assembly is not supported in this mode. We hope to slowly enable new mitigations and add Web Assembly support over the next few months as we continue to test and experiment. You can find the feature under flags in Edge Canary, Dev, and Beta.

Disabling JIT compilation can secure future versions of Edge, but not completely without sacrificing performance. Among other things, early Microsoft tests show that the initial page load speed is decreasing. On the other hand, functionality sometimes has positive performance effects such as reduced memory usage and reduced power consumption.

For now, this feature is experimental, and Microsoft clearly makes no guarantees that it’s here to stay. On their blog, Microsoft describes in detail what this feature meansThey also take the opportunity to ask users for their feedback on how Super Duper Secure Mode works.

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