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Little Big Adventure 1 and 2 have been updated with new gameplay + control support, etc.

Little Big Adventure 1 and 2 have been updated with new gameplay + control support, etc.

and Steam achievements, if you liked it.

Playing old games often leads to some frustration as they lack a lot of features that we take for granted today. But there are two games that are now at least more user-friendly big little adventure And the Little Big Adventure 2 – o Twinsen’s Little Big Adventure Classic . Game And the Classic Twinsen’s Little Big Adventure 2as they have been called for some time.

Developer 2.21.2 Writes that Steam versions (over here And the over here) Now, among other things, cloud saving, control support, the ability to reset controls and achievements, and the option to play in window mode. One of the changes affecting the game mechanics itself is New Game+, which allows us to replay games with powerful weapons that you usually get at a later time.

The updates are already available on Steam, and game versions on GoG and Luna will also get them soon.

If you still think the games are too old, the series will happily reboot. was in the beginning opinions 2.21 would make a third game in the series, but because it’s a somewhat obscure brand today Established They think it is best to start over.

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