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List: Oldest World Leaders – Biden is not the oldest

List: Oldest World Leaders – Biden is not the oldest

When Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, it was clear that the United States would have its oldest president ever. Biden’s 78-year-old age was a hot topic until then, and when the 80-year-old president announced he was running again, the criticism gained new strength. If he wins, he will be 82 when the new period begins – and 86 when it ends.

How old can you really be if you want to rule a country?

Well, it turned out to be very old. A look at world leaders shows that Biden, at least in theory, has many good years ahead of him. The world’s oldest leader is 90 years old – Cameroonian President Paul Biya has ruled his country since 1982 and is often accused of electoral fraud.

The freer, the smaller

Indeed, the less free a society is, the older the leaders are. according to Pew Research Center, which divided the world’s nations into “free”, “partly free”, and “not free” categories, a clear difference is seen in the average age of leaders. In free countries, the average reaches 58 years, in partially free countries it rises to 61 years, and in non-free countries it reaches 69 years.

Among the free countries in the world, Joe Biden is almost alone in passing the 80 mark, but not quite. Namibia’s President Hage Geingob turns 81.

The largest part, 35 percent, of the average age of all world leaders are in their 60s. The average age is 62 years. Female leaders tend to be younger than their male counterparts, and in our top ten list of the world’s oldest political leaders, we only find men.

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