For seven years, the lion Bob Jr., also known as Snyggve on the Internet, has reigned supreme over a lion herd in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park. With the help of his brother Tryghev, he is said to have created such a “terrible reputation” among his lion rivals that he has sat firmly on his throne – until now.
National park spokespeople have now announced that Bob Jr. was killed by his rivals. Now he is hailed around the world as the Serengeti’s “most adorable cat” and “coolest photo”, reports say. BBC.
Trygvi and Snegvi were killed in the savannah
According to national park officials, Bob Jr. did not attempt to fight back when he was attacked and killed on Saturday.
– They wanted to overthrow Bob Jr., – Freddy Chirima, who works on the preservation of the Serengeti, tells the BBC.
– This usually happens when the flock guardian gets older or sometimes if other male lions are not happy with his dominance over a large territory.
His brother Trygve is also suspected of having died in a separate attack.
– It is assumed that his brother suffered the same fate, but we are trying to confirm this, says Freddy Chirima.
Online praise
A private funeral is now being prepared, but the day of the ceremony has not yet been announced. Conservationists from Tanzania believe that Bob Jr., who was named after his father Bob Marley (not the artist), lived to be about ten years old.
The internet now celebrates the fallen king, who earned his celebrity status as it was always easy to spot on the savannah and take pictures of many tourists’ safaris.
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