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Leader: Why doesn’t anyone research organized crime?

Leader: Why doesn’t anyone research organized crime?

Enforcement of crimes

More research needs to be done on how organized crime affects society, Expressen wrote in an editorial. Photo: Kaisa Rasmussen/TT

Organized crime threatens society on a systemic level. But researchers seem completely uninterested in investigating the issue, Expressen wrote in an editorial.

Knowledge is essential to address social problems. But when it comes to gang crime, research shows its conspicuous absence. For example, Expressen takes the leading position that there is a lack of research into how Swedish authorities are affected by organized crime.

A review of the distribution of research funds shows that recently no funds have been awarded to projects dealing with hacking by authorities.

“Weak scholarly interest in one of the crucial questions of our time is not only a problem for academia, but above all it threatens to lead to weaker policy responses to the problem,” Expressen wrote.

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