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Konami is delaying the update to the annoying eFootball this spring.  haha what

Konami is delaying the update to the annoying eFootball this spring. haha what

Konami continues to show how to push traditional brands down. This summer the gaming giant announced that Pro Evolution Soccer will be remastered and will become a free game called eFootball 2022. The game at the end of September was very poor, ugly and full of bugs. The situation is so bad with the game that it is still at the top of the list of the worst-rated games on Steam.

After the release, Konami apologized and announced that a lot would be fixed with a major patch coming out in October. Since the situation is so difficult with the game, it didn’t take long before Konami delayed the release of the patch to November. Now we’ve received another update from Konami and it looks like someone has already played the game when the gang decided to delay the release of the patch until sometime in the spring of 2022, which makes one wonder why the game was released at all. In a post about the situation, this was written, among other things:
We’ve been working hard on distributing an update that will bring new content to the game, including a new mode where you can boost and play with the original team, as well as mobile support on November 11, 2021.
Unfortunately, we concluded that more time was needed to deliver the product in a quality that met our users’ expectations and decided to postpone the delivery.

However, Konami has taken some responsibility and has canceled all Premium Player packages and will refund anyone who placed an order. Furthermore, the mobile version of eFootball has been postponed indefinitely.

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