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King Juan Carlos wants to return to Spain

Juan Carlos writes an open letter about his longing for Spain

Former King Juan Carlos left Spain after his abdication in 2014.

Many corruption scandals and suspicions made it impossible for him to survive.

The former king now wants to return to family and friends in Spain.

And in an open letter the former king wrote to his son, King Felipe, he said he wished to return to Spain. Go to Abu Dhabi After the abdication in 2014, but the longing for the homeland is great.

“For now, for reasons that are in my own field and affect only me, I prefer to continue to live permanently in Abu Dhabi, where I live in peace and quiet, especially during this period of my life. But of course I want to visit Spain regularly, the country I carry in my heart to Forever, to visit my family and friends.”

The former king’s wish is controversial. He abdicated the throne after revealing a long series of scandals. Among other things, Juan Carlos was suspected of receiving approximately 976 million Swedish kronor from Saudi Arabia in 2008. The money is believed to be a bribe linked to a contract signed by Spanish companies to build a high-speed train line between Mecca and Medina.

King Felipe and his father, former King Juan Carlos.

The money went to the lady

The money is said to have been put into a foundation in Panama run by Corina zu Sayn Wittgenstein, Juan Carlos’ ex-lover.

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But the Supreme Court now announces that it will close the preliminary investigation. They cannot investigate crimes committed during the period when Juan Carlos was king because he had immunity from prosecution.

This means that Juan Carlos has the opportunity to return to his homeland in Spain.

In the open letter, he wrote that he does not plan to return to official life, nor does he want to live in Zarzuela Palace.

He also wrote that he is proud of his participation in the democratization process in Spain, but attaches great importance to public opinion against him.

King Juan Carlos abdicated the throne in 2014 after revealing a long series of scandals. Then the king was accused, among other things, of money laundering and corruption.

From popularity to disgust

Juan Carlos was a very famous king. He ascended the throne in 1975 and took over from dictator Franco. At the beginning of his rule, he was very useful when Spain became a democracy.

But the past few years have been marked by scandals. Among other things, the king went on an elephant hunting trip amid a smoldering economic crisis with his mistress. Bribery from Saudi Arabia caused his son King Philip to be separated from his father and he would in the future relinquish his father’s inheritance.

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