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Katharina Barling: On ugly words and pretty flowers – Good morning, world

Katharina Barling: On ugly words and pretty flowers – Good morning, world

Oddly enough, the poor axiom arose from one of the most beautiful things in existence: the little flower. True little flower Like the Latin word floscolus Means. Marigolds, almond blossom, cat’s foot, blue violets – these are the real vulgarities. Some who really understand this relationship between flowers and words are cartoonists. When someone has to say something really fun, speech bubbles fill with roses. Phrases are simply a way to make a language flourish, according to the dictionary, a failed method but still.

Phrases are words that you want to be more than they really are. Now the axioms have their own lexicon: Colloquial Swedish Dictionary by Frederick Colberg. The author has compiled some of the cliches that characterize our time. It’s an amusing and disturbing list at the same time.

There are many reasons to get upset about vulgarity. Slang words are annoying, but there are also deeper issues here. Kohlberg gave his book an amusing form, but the seriousness lies beneath the humorous tone. Among other things, Kullberg notes that plagiarism is often a way of trying to mask strong language and misinformation. Phrases become a way to make things sound better than they are. In large parts of working life, for example, there is talk of how important it is to be a “team player”. The word has been defined by Kullberg as “a person who agrees uncritically and never questions directions or instructions from other managers or supervisors.” It’s not often that someone says it outright.

But vulgarity isn’t just a way to make things look prettier than they really are. Puns are also a way to make good things look bad. Good but annoying stuff, that is. Kohlberg points out, for example, how easily people who protect the natural and cultural environment can be rejected backwards. The language of force, as I said.

Perhaps the most common truism of our time is anyway the challenge – This is a cosmetic rework problem. Nobody wants trouble, but challenges do! Of course you want challenges! It’s exciting and stimulating at the same time, and it’s something for anyone who wants to be Leaning forward in front. Kullberg believes that the word ‘challenge’ is also a way for those who take responsibility for the state of things to shift the responsibility down in the organisation. In other words: If only teachers, health workers, and the police could pull themselves together, the problem — sorry, challenge — would be solved.

Life is already full of “challenges” right now. And all of these challenges are one thing that can make returning to work like this after the holidays very stressful. As Kullberg points out, it is Really one has to be a lot in today’s fun-filled work life: Agile, Authentic, Trained, Dedicated, Digitally Mature, Flexible, Inclusive, Innovative, Cost Effective, Results Oriented and Collaborative, or to summarize: One must be a Team Player Oriented towards solutions. And so you should be passionate about your tasks too, never bitter, especially if you’re challenged to suddenly lose your old workplace and instead have a mixed activity-based office.

As with all major societal problems, there are no easy solutions to a culture of vulgarity. But for your inner peace of mind, you can always try to think of something else. For example, dream a few months ago, to early summer, when real filaments bloomed: goldenrod, almond blossom, cat’s foot, blue violet. In a real retro spirit.