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Infectious bacteria are widespread in Skåne – southern Sweden

Infectious bacteria are widespread in Skåne – southern Sweden

– We are now receiving many signals about an increase in mycoplasma, says Per Haagestam, assistant infection control physician at Smittskydd Skåne.

This disease is not a notifiable disease, so the health care system does not have a set number of confirmed cases.

– But we see it, among other things, by hearing from schools and telling them that many people are sick at the same time with a similar disease pattern. Then one can reasonably assume that it is mycoplasma.

The same signals come from several other regions of the country, as well as from neighboring countries such as Norway and Denmark, according to Per Haagestam.

Common symptoms include Those affected suffer from hoarseness, dry cough, fever, and general cold symptoms. Cough in particular can last for several weeks.

“We see that older children and young people usually have the worst symptoms,” says Per Haagestam.

In really serious cases, mycoplasma can lead to pneumonia.

Among young people, mycoplasma is the most common cause of pneumonia.

How do you know you have mycoplasma and not a cold?

– It's hard to know. There are a lot of cold viruses circulating at the same time as mycoplasma now.

What can be done to avoid infection?

-Hand washing is always recommended. But otherwise it will be difficult to protect yourself, because the infection is high. Often several family members are affected, e.g. If you develop symptoms of illness such as cough and fever, you should stay home.

When should you seek care?

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– In the vast majority of cases, the disease heals on its own. But if you feel that your symptoms are getting worse and you are experiencing difficulty breathing, you should seek medical attention. Antibiotic treatment may be appropriate, Per Haagestam says.