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HIstoria’s first computer game was created in just a few hours

HIstoria’s first computer game was created in just a few hours

As a monitor, use an oscilloscope – a measuring instrument commonly used to visualize electrical signals in the form of a graph.

Using two aluminum controllers, players can send the ball back and forth.

Video: Watch “Tennis for Two” playing on its original console

The boys loved the game

This was not the first time a game of any kind had been created on a computer, but all previous attempts had been created either for research purposes or as technical demos to show how technologically advanced a particular computer had been.

Higinbotham’s game, Tennis for Two, was the first game whose sole purpose was entertainment, and it was a huge hit at the Open House event. Hundreds of guests lined up to play, and the little boys in particular “loved the game the most – you couldn’t take them out of the game,” says Higginbotham.

However, the game was later disassembled as the parts were needed for other machines and were largely forgotten.

But since then, Tennis for Two has been widely acclaimed and released in several remastered versions. For example, Pong was released in 1972 as one of the first commercial computer games. It was a huge hit and was clearly heavily inspired by the game of tennis for two.

Nowadays, Tennis for Two is also available as a smartphone app internal control Department And Android).

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