Yassin received a total of four Grammy Award nominations at the same time that he was detained and accused of involvement in planning a high-profile kidnapping operation last year.
Yassen Nominated for four Grammys this year: Album of the Year, Hip-Hop Music of the Year, Songwriter of the Year and Artist of the Year, in all categories for the albums “98.01.11” and “More in Life”.
Yassin Benn, whose real name is Yassin Abdullah Mahmoud, is a 23-year-old rapper from Rinkeby who within two years became one of the biggest stars of Swedish hip-hop. He has hundreds of thousands of streams every day and nearly a million listeners every month on Spotify and Youtube.
In the last section of the association, Yassin discusses how to distinguish between work and person
A few weeks ago, he swept the table at the P3 Gold concert. Yassin, in his absence, was awarded the Grand Prix as Artist of the Year, as well as Hip-Hop / RNB of the Year.
Debate rages in Sweden, should a criminal be nominated for various music awards or not?
Yassin in the studio
Photo: nizeguzz
In addition to being an artist, Yasin is associated with the dangerous Shottas criminal gang, which for five years has been part of the bloody guerrilla war that has plagued Stockholm suburbs.
Several famous rappers of the Vårbyn network have been prosecuted
At the beginning of April, a major trial began in Sweden. The so-called spring office trial.
The trial has received a great deal of attention. These 30 people are accused of a long list of serious crimes such as murder plots, kidnappings, serious drug and weapon crimes, and explosions.
The fact that the Vårby network could have been investigated is related to the fact that the French police managed to hack Encrochat’s encrypted mobile service a year ago.
Yaseen was nominated for the assembly line major heavy music awards and has also won many of them.
Yassin sings
Photo: nizeguzz
At the beginning of the year, the artist Yassin was arrested and arrested shortly afterwards, possibly due to suspected involvement in the kidnapping of another artist last year. In March, he was also charged with the crime. He himself denies all the criminal charges.
The relationship between music and crime
Journalist Hugo Lindqvist He writes in Dagens Nyheter At the end of March, which revolves around how both lyrics and music videos from rap songs are included as pieces of the puzzle in this grand gang crime investigation.
According to the preliminary investigation, there is an “objective musical relationship between a number of individuals” involved in the kidnapping case. This refers to three other defendants and the victim, but not Yassin, who is accused of Khatam.
The investigation, which spans thousands of pages, points to the sight of Swedish rapeseed. Song lyrics and phrases are picked from the music videos, and the information has since been used to indicate connections between the people who were said to be involved in the kidnapping.
Controversial hip-hop artist Yasin is making headlines in Sweden
Screen capture of newspapers on Yassin
Bild: DN, Expressen, Jyrki Lyytikkä / Yle
According to the indictment, a 17-year-old rapper was kidnapped on April 14, 2020. During the kidnapping, the victim was subjected to various degrading forms of threats and violence.
For example, the victim is said to have been forced to wear a dog collar around his neck, the victim was stabbed and forced to wear a dress, wigs and thongs. A Rolex watch and gold chains were stolen from him.
Thus the people involved are music artists of the same genre, but not from the same criminal gang as the victim.
The victim refused to cooperate with the police, due to the lack of provocation of the police in the circles in which the artist moves. But even if the victim has not been heard, the lyrics of his songs are used in the initial investigation.
Yassin has thousands of Instagram followers.
Screen capture of yasin instagram
Bild: Kia Seaflight
He points to the individual lines identified by the police where the suspected kidnapping has not been explicitly commented on, but the artist appears to be alluding to something he was exposed to.
So there is reason to ask stakeholders about what they mean by their texts. It is not the first time that rap scripts have been reproduced in preliminary investigations of serious crimes, it has also occurred in investigations in the US and UK, for example.
Yassin’s role was to deceive and kidnap the victim with the aim of harming his life or health and extorting him, according to the indictment.
Music acts as a means of communication
Underworld Amir Rostami was interviewed in the same article in Dagens Nyheter and noted that it really makes no difference if you refer to real events in a conversation, a book, or in the script of a song. He thinks what matters is the information you transmit.
Music in the gangster environment is not just music but it acts as a means of communication between different groups. For example, bragging about what you did in your messages or trying to excite each other.
Since Yaseen and other artists have a huge influence on the streaming services on the network, they communicate with many and can generate large revenues for their business. It plays a crucial role.
Yasin has hundreds of thousands of streams every day and nearly 1 million monthly listeners on Spotify.
Screen capture of Yaseen Spotify
Bild: Kia Seaflight
Controversial versus criminal
There are countless cases of artists and performers who are not criminals per se but who are very controversial. A common way to approach this is to create a very strict distinction between work and person.
Richard Wagner managed to write his anti-Semitic views into his music and they are still being listened to.
The 2019 Nobel Prize Winner in Literature, Peter Handke, has been called both genocide deniers and warlords. Nevertheless, he won the award and we continue to read his books.
Danish poet Yahya Hassan was raised to heaven by critics as he lived a life of crime.
Yahya Hassan
Photo: Morton Holtom
Yahya Hassan
Danish poet Yahya Hassan, despite his criminal background and involvement in crime, was still a candidate for the 2020 Scandinavian Council of Literature Prize. Unfortunately, he committed suicide before the awards ceremony.
Simon Bikindi was a resident of Rwanda The most famous artist and was known as a musician who mixed traditional dance and music, with his own words, and was highly respected. He was indicted in a United Nations court and sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2008 for inciting the massacres of Tutsis during the 1994 genocide.
The song “Cop Killer” was written. American rapper Ice-T in 1992. It’s about how a person is tired of racist police and thus takes matters into their own hands. Ice-T defender said Bob Marley also sang that he shot the mayor but didn’t receive as much criticism for it.
Swedish rap artist Frigg Larson (Known among others, Slagsmålsklubben, Maskinen, and Far & Son) was convicted of threatening an official for his song “Then Will Be Shot” in 2019. The ruling was considered directed at the police chief who decided to crack down on the arrangement of Frig Larsson’s concert in Stockholm. At the beginning of the month, the Supreme Court acquitted him, which ruled that the song fell within the framework of freedom of expression. HD also believes that texts and music presented in cultural contexts should be allowed to be “provocative, challenging, and provocative”.
Sources: Expressen, Wikipedia
Yassin: “I do not want to compromise my art.”
A month ago, a new documentary was released about controversial rapper Yassin. it’s called Yaseen: See me shine He talks about how he himself experiences his music and his thoughts on and around it.
“I don’t want to compromise my art,” he says in the documentary, adding with a clear reference to his fans: “This isn’t just for them, it’s mine. It’s a treat for me.”
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