Additional investment in personnel is made within the Kommunal Contract Area.
Since 1 November 2020, there has been a central agreement between the SKR (Swedish municipalities and regions) and the trade union, where they have chosen to make a clear investment in salaries in health and care.
In addition to the central agreement, the municipality of Halmstad has chosen to invest a total of SEK 10.8 million this year in wage increases within the forces of shortage. About 3,000 employees are affected within the municipality.
– People often speak well of the nursing and nursing staff, correctly, but it also matters with tangible initiatives – and not just with kind words. This targeted wage investment is the largest we have made in many years, says Ella Kardemark (in Kuwaiti dinars).
The municipality’s investment means an average extra cost of SEK 250 per month for assistant nurses, support assistants and personal assistants and SEK 150 per month for babysitters, student assistants, chefs and meal workers. This investment is added to the central agreement.
According to the municipality of Halmstad, the purpose of the initiative is to manage the provision of skills in shortage forces and contribute to employee retention in these operations.
There is a great need for recruitment in health and welfare. It has been calculated that we will need to hire about 800 new employees annually through 2035. This is partly due to large retirements and the fact that we are a growing municipality. Plus, there’s a change in demographics as more people are getting older and needing care, says Ella Cardemark.
More news about Halmstad It can be found here
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