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gray body effusion

gray body effusion

Two experiences

My right hand is made of rubber plastic.
As a result of repeated exposure
For the tank.

I only drink hot water.
From old PET bottles without labels
Who had to stand at the window all morning.

We have hacked

When spring bursts overripe and crowded
air out of birth
Of feathery leaves in formation, and spearheads wrapped
And sighs of steam from the heads of November.

I hacked.

Insight becomes easier in the stage of change,
exit, retreat, release
The shackles that crack when you love shake
Or he sees a gray body being disemboweled.

body scan

This is intended to draw attention.
Feelings and thoughts, without fear
Those who are on the run – they could be.
As long as you can see them.

Make sure to breathe if you do this,
Or feel like breathing if not.
Let the look be split if it is comfortable.
Close your eyes or put them away.

Body – When you roll your eyes
Freezes her like prey.
Only the prey's heart beats.
Feel the breath, but don't try to change it.

If I were a boat and breathed
Will the future be carried on your back?
Just feel it ripple through your body,
Viscous breathing waves.

Hard on. The sea is big and we have a long way to go. Float carelessly. Sink for a long time. One hundred and eight degrees Celsius.

Direct awareness like a scout
From old Volvo to heavy rain
Some eyes twinkle on the side of the road,
Do you see them?

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Toes with blue rod stuck around them
Blue of oil
buzzing as if warning of its height
Water, sticky water.

insup, insup, don't forget to breathe
Breathe! Unchanged! Gargle!
Foam, wallpaper paste in food processor foam
Don't let the lamp get in the way, nothing.

Walking thirty thousand lumens
Reaches knee, crease, thigh, hip,
I'm not looking, you just shine the light there.
Only the prey's heart beats.

The lower back can take a lot of pressure.
prey, animal, form that never
He should have been lenient. He's shy,
He wants to operate on the witness and do the right thing.

Feel the heavy tapping on your flesh
Not yet penetrated, gargle,
Unchanged, the heart feels, still
Where only slimy water animals stand.

Hanged. Suspended. Illuminated. Four lanterns centered around the stigmata on the breast. Jesus knew his body. Tall.

Touching hot cast iron plates with your fingers,
But keep them still. Just a trap.
Skin. You know what I did.
Turning the mind to the depths when it goes astray. Adhesive depth.

Are the depths rising or the rest falling?
How do you say neck?
Get them together and talk:
Foam! Foam! Bubbles! Why?

Feel your skull from the inside out.
With ten fingers from the depths of the mysterious throat
How to make the palate soft on the brain
Most of the diseased parts are unnecessary.

So: Feel the heartbeat of the prey.
And the sticky water hit the shore
Seeing the last rays of sun stuck in the sand flycatcher
And remember, you can do this at any time.

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Trinidad pigeon

trinidadduva, gudahuva
ansamlad blåaktig hypostas i fettet
efterdödad utfällning.
utdöd innan levandet blev till.
en gång prydde du himlavalvet
        som stjärnbilder, så självklara,
stinna dunlager mellan mutationen
och det eviga.

så landade du att vila för natten.
för vem kan flyga i mörker?
        än mer, vem kan smyga upp
på något av kött och blod
och vrida det ut och in?
å mannagryn, å grötvälling.
jag lodar ditt galjonsbröst med ravitchspettet
gudahuva, trinidadduva.

Text: Isaac Listander