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God Leads the Church on Climate – Today

God Leads the Church on Climate – Today

We are happy to Our article in the debate on how Christians can give hope in an age of climate anxiety received such a positive response. In the crisis situation the world is going through, debates about whether climate change is real are becoming more and more a waste of time, so we are grateful that the discussion we started has instead become about how we can save lives both theologically and practically. By living sustainably. On both the debate and opinion side here at Dagen, we’ve had to follow a constructive and rewarding conversation about it.

David Willebrand (Day 5/9) emphasizes that more information and facts alone are not enough to bring about change: we need to be rooted. of course it is. In the words of Jesus’ brother, James: “If a brother or sister lacks clothes and food for the day, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, put on warm clothes and eat your food’, but don’t give them what the body needs, what helps? So faith His soul dies when he is without works.” (James 2:15-17)

What is required now is that the churches, with God’s help, embody sustainability and simplicity in practical work.

Michael Greenholm and Lennart Renovalt

Words and actions need to compliment each other. Facts emerging in the latest IPCC report tell us how dire the situation is and that those who insisted that only small changes to our way of life were needed or that new technology would solve all environmental problems had made devastating mistakes. What is required now is that the churches, with God’s help, embody sustainability and simplicity in practical work.

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We are now in the middle innovation time (September 1 – October 4), the time of year when we gather in Unitarian Christianity in prayer and work for our common home. A time when we can renew our relationship with the Creator and with all of creation. Creation Time unites Christians of the world with the participation of Evangelical, Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox churches around the world. This is perhaps the broadest ecumenical cooperation among Christians in the world today.

In Britain, more than a thousand devotees expressed their intent to receive a worship service at the time of Creation about creation and our God-given mission. Here in Sweden, the Swedish Church has adopted a “climate roadmap” and is investing heavily in all of its parishes to contribute to reducing emissions and to invite reflection on the existential issues raised by climate change.

At the Ecumenia church conference, a proposal from a large number of congregations to declare a climate emergency is being treated as an expression of awareness of the gravity of the current situation and with a view to increasing our response. Pentecostal Theological Networks produced a document entitled “God, Environment and Climate” and encourages further discussion. The Swedish Christian Council is active in working to cause widespread environmental damage, the so-called ecocide, an international crime that costs more than you taste.

More and more Christian groups People seek change in their lives. Vegetarian and vegan diets are more popular among Christians now than they were twenty years ago, something that is also reflected in many church conferences and church lunches. This is a great development, because following a plant-based diet is one of the simplest yet most effective things you can do to conserve Earth’s resources.

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More and more churches and parish homes are installing solar cells on their roofs, flea stores in churches have experienced a renaissance and fewer and fewer Christian families are dependent on fossil-powered electricity or transportation.

We still need to inspire and convince many disciples and groups.

Michael Greenholm and Lennart Renovalt

what we do It is basically a return to the way most Christians in history lived. Until only a hundred years ago, few people ate meat often, they reused and recycled almost everything they owned and lived in symbiosis with nature and had a great knowledge of nature.

Of course, few of us, like our brothers and sisters in the Amish movement, want to go so far as to live nearly as fully as they did in the nineteenth century. The great climate challenge is to combine the new technology we want to keep – modern medicine, rapid transportation and information technology – with the proven classic ancient way of life that has not mined the earth’s resources. This requires inspiration and guidance from the Holy Spirit, as well as a creative exchange between people.

We still need toInspiring and persuading many pupils and groups. But we can say with joy and boldness that Christianity is underway. Late, still very slow, but still with increasing power and determination.

In his answer (today 16/9), Goran Strömner importantly affirms that we live with God’s mission: “Our hope and the hope of creation symbolize the will and initiatives of God. To belong to the Church, this global movement, which is the largest group in the world, means to live in congregation And the formation of spirit activities right now.”

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It is God who leads us. God who gives us guidance with his word and guidance of the spirit. It is God who gives us the strength every day to take new steps in the struggle for a sustainable world within the confines of the planet of creation. We are pleased to be a part of this mission.