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For sale: 110 BC blades |

For sale: 110 BC blades |

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Hey! I will be replacing the front blades on my spare bike that will be sold. The existing blades are quite worn out, but I don't want to buy something that expensive when the bike is sold out anyway.

Purchased a 50:ish and 34:ish front blade and it is in good condition. +/- Any age is less important. Preferably as cheap as possible!

I have a fairly poor understanding of road standards because I usually tinker with MTB, but I Googled it myself so the tiagra 10 speed crankset has 110 bcd blades.

If you have something in stash, please send me a PM! If the items are in Malmo, that's a bonus, but I'm happy to pay for shipping if they're elsewhere!

/ Christopher


boycott: knife
place: Malmö
Published: 5 hours ago

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