Skåne University Hospital, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital, Linköping University Hospital and Örebro University Hospital fall on the red list when Hospital doctor Trade union representatives ask whether there are restrictions on continuing education. Only representatives from Akademiska sjukhuset and Norrland University Hospital do not mention any general restrictions.

In Linköping it is reported that there are certain restrictions regarding conferences and business trips, while in Örebro it is said that there has been a general cessation of education since mid-September.

– In economically difficult times, you should instead invest more in education, because it is very important that we develop, improve and eliminate what does not have a clear impact. In order to identify these things, additional training for staff is crucial, says Stefan Lindgren, a professor at the Lund Faculty of Medicine. Hospital doctor.

At Karolinska University Hospital, where there are significant restrictions on conferences and external training for the rest of the year, operations director Markus Stahlberg told Sjukhusläkaren that the focus for the rest of the year is on producing care.

The hospital is in a difficult financial situation and suffers a deficit of 709 million Swedish krona after the first nine months of the year. One thing all businesses can contribute is to be more careful with our expenses. At the same time, we must increase production, treat and operate on a larger number of patients so that waiting lists do not increase and the waiting time of patients does not extend. It requires that all the resources at our disposal be used as wisely as possible.

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