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Ekot can send email as defense minister – News (Ekot)

Ekot can send email as defense minister – News (Ekot)

Repeatedly Ekot was able to send the emails that appear to come from Defense Secretary Peter Holtqvist’s real email address.

The reason is that government offices do not use a security that makes it difficult for unauthorized people to pretend to send email from their email address.

– Yes, this is now coming, a test from Peter Hultqvist, says an employee of the Communications Department of the FRA when Ekot sends an email.

last year Swedish computer newspaper reported that government offices lack protection.

Ekot can now show that it is possible to send an email in his capacity as Secretary of Defense, both to the FRA and to, say, IT security expert Leif Nixon. What he sees in front of him is the email address of the Secretary of Defense. Only when he looks at the email logs does he see that it was actually sent from someone else.

On the surface, it looks like you got an email from the Secretary of Defense?

– Yes exactly. She makes it. It’s unfortunate, says Liv Nixon.

All our emails it does not arrive. This is partly due to the standard protection against fraudulent emails that government offices have. When we send an email to the Secretary of Defense, we need two attempts to access the inbox of IT security expert Martin Gartelius.

– There he went. Peter Hultqvist says:

Martin Gartelius He says the danger is that someone will email the government to deceive the employees of other authorities.

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– In this case, you can use it to influence others in very important societal positions. This is clearly a problem.

Anne-Marie Ecklund Leander is an IT security consultant and member of the Government Digital Council.

– In my view, failure to provide this protection to emails is a misdemeanor. It is very easy to be deceived, especially if it comes to other authorities. It is possible that you have run out of misinformation, for example. Or you’re sending a file with malicious code, you say.

Peter Holtqvist points out To the administrative department in government offices that refuses to conduct an interview.

In an email, the head of security in government offices Frederic Agymark writes that they cannot delve into what security work looks like, but they have different security solutions and adapt procedures to different risks.