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Dyson invests heavily in home robots

Dyson invests heavily in home robots

Vacuum cleaner company Dyson is developing robots that can perform household chores and other tasks and is looking for new engineers.

This year, 2,000 people joined Dyson, half of whom are engineers, researchers and programmers. The company, best known for its vacuum cleaners, is recruiting 250 robotic engineers to realize its robotic ambitions, it seems through press release.

“Dyson hired its first robot engineer 20 years ago, and this year alone we are looking for another 250 experts for our team. This is a “significant investment” in future robotics that will drive research across Dyson, in areas including mechanical engineering, computer vision, machine learning, and energy storage. We need to connect with the best people in the world like right now,” he says Jake DysonDyson’s chief engineer, said in the press release.

An additional 700 experts will be hired

Over the next five years, Dyson expects to hire an additional 700 robotics experts, and the plan is to build the UK’s most advanced robotics center and bring the technology into our homes within this decade.

Dyson plans to invest 2.75 billion pounds, or 34.17 billion Swedish kronor, in new technology, products and facilities. Over the past six months, Dyson has secretly rebuilt a hangar at Halvington Airport in Wiltshire, and the idea is for 250 robotic technicians to move there.

Investment shows in the film

So far, Dyson’s robots have been floor vacuum cleaners, but the film Dyson released with its press release shows glimpses of new research into robotics learning, visual perception, manipulation, and compatible control and provides insight into Dyson’s new investment in robotics.

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Read more: The Dyson vacuum cleaner cleans the air with innovative headphones [Dagens PS]