Yesterday, the first trailer was released for the long-awaited Grand Theft Auto VI, the sequel to GTA V released in 2013. The trailer broke records and became the most viewed video on YouTube with over 100 million views in one day. The game will be released in 2025, but to the disappointment of fans of the game series, there will be no PC release. On the SweClocker forum, among others, the following is said:
Looks really good. It’s a shame you have to wait so long to get the PC version. – @bit010
Playtracker It produced data indicating that GTA fans are willing to purchase GTA titles for multiple platforms. According to Playtracker data, 44% of GTA V players own the game on more than one platform, which can be considered a strong incentive for Rockstar not to release the PC version at once.
That the PC version of GTA VI was released later doesn’t come as a huge shock to players familiar with Rockstar’s history. When its predecessor GTA V launched, it took two years for the game to appear on PC, while Red Dead Redemption 2 players had to wait a little over a year for it to launch on PC. Unlike previous releases, there are no technical restrictions preventing Rockstar from releasing the game on PC. The new consoles are almost entirely mini PCs with AMD hardware, so the choice to wait until the PC launch is due to financial reasons and hopes for high sales.
In short: because it makes the boxes ring. The games have been released multiple times, and since more graphically advanced games take longer, impatient players will buy the game first for console, and then again for PC. GTA V is telling: it has been released four times (PS3/Xbox 360, PS4/Xbox One, PC, and finally PS5/Xbox Series), and with 190 million copies sold, Rockstar doesn’t seem to regret that decision. By the way, all the GTAs games since 2001 have taken longer to reach PC, so a simultaneous release would be a huge buzz. – Thomas Helenius, FZ editor
Grand Theft Auto VI will be released in 2025 for Playstation 5 and Xbox Series
Will you buy GTA VI on multiple platforms?
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