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Denmark and Rwanda agree to resettle asylum seekers

Denmark and Rwanda agree to resettle asylum seekers

Ministers from Denmark are visiting Rwanda on Friday to discuss plans to receive Danish asylum in the African country.

In a jointly signed document, the two countries confirmed their intention to cooperate in the transfer of asylum seekers in Denmark to Rwanda, reports Ritsau news agency.

From the Danish side, the document was signed by Minister for Immigration and Integration Ker Dipvad Beck (south) and Minister for Aid Fleming Möller Mortensen (south).

The two countries have discussed for some time cooperating to obtain asylum in the country – a line that the Danish Social Democrats have advocated for several years. The new document also states that work must be done so that asylum seekers can settle in Rwanda.

Britain has a similar arrangement with Rwanda. However, the European Court stopped a plane carrying asylum seekers from there in June.

Denmark could also violate the Dublin Regulation, which specifies the EU country in which the asylum process must be processed, if countries go ahead with their plans.

Pro-government parties criticize the plans, while blue parties describe the trip to Rwanda as an electoral trick.

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