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Close Senate Resolution on Infrastructure Package

Senator Bernie Sanders and Senate Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on their way to the Senate budget meeting on Monday.
Senator Bernie Sanders and Senate Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on their way to the Senate budget meeting on Monday.

The US Senate is expected to vote through a trillion investment in infrastructure on Tuesday. Upon completion, the next challenge awaits Democrats – to obtain a long-term budget of $3.5 trillion.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said Monday that a $1,000 billion infrastructure investment would be approved without any issues on Tuesday. Next, the Senate will take on a larger long-term plan before senators can take their August leave.

– We managed to control two trains at the same time. There were some obstacles. Schumer said in a speech in the House that there are some delays, but the Senate is on track to achieve both goals.

Popular Package

The infrastructure package includes significant investment in neglected US roads, bridges, and ports, as well as in broadband expansion. An inter-party agreement has been in place for several months, and the package is popular with lawmakers from both parties because it includes federal funds for jobs in the states.

Once approved by the Senate, it moves to the House of Representatives, which it will have to deal with when members return at the end of September.

On Monday, Democrats unveiled their $3.5 trillion long-term plan. It is a kind of ten-year framework that includes, among other things, climate measures, residence permits for migrant workers, and scholarships for university and preschool studies for children aged three to four years.

“The most important since the thirties”

Senator Bernie Sanders, chair of the Budgets Committee, calls it the most important legislation “for the working, old, children, sick, and poor since Roosevelt (President Franklin Delano Roosevelt) and the New Deal in the 1930s.”

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Republicans are vehemently opposed to both volume and content. Financing is also difficult to absorb. Democrats are talking about a combination of tax increases for high-income earners, savings in federal health care programs and projected long-term economic growth.

Chuck Schumer hopes to persuade the Senate to adopt the giant package in the next few days with Democratic votes only, with the help of Vice President Kamala Harris. Details may then be worked out for binding bills later this fall.
