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Chrome is getting better at saving battery and memory.  Welcome to the news in the latest version of the Google browser.

Chrome is getting better at saving battery and memory. Welcome to the news in the latest version of the Google browser.

In the latest version of Google Chrome, Google has implemented two new features that can save memory and battery for Chrome users.

With the “Memory Saver” feature, hidden tabs (tabs) in Chrome will be disabled and reloaded instead when the user navigates to those tabs. According to Google, this can save up to 40 percent of memory that Chrome would otherwise use to refresh hidden tabs. Energy Saver is a feature that limits background activity and visual effects on certain websites when your Chrome laptop drops below 20 percent.

Both new features will be rolling out to Chrome 108 in the coming weeks, Google wrote in a blog post. Chrome 108 was released yesterday for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

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