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Check the spot – get to know your skin spots

Check the spot – get to know your skin spots

If you follow the skin patches, you can easily spot any changes. Most skin changes are harmless, but some can be cancerous, so it’s important to seek care. Here you will get tips on what to look for and how to conduct an investigation.

It has been reviewed by: Helena Torsler Anderson, leg. Oncology nurse


  • Pay attention if a patch of skin changes color, shape, or size.
  • Watch out for new skin spots.
  • Benign skin changes cannot develop into cancer.

Skin changes to monitor

If you get a new nevus that grows rapidly, or when an existing skin patch grows or changes in appearance in any way, such as color or shape, you should keep an eye on it and ask your doctor to examine it.

Then you check the point

You can detect most skin changes on your own by looking at your skin.

Some good tips:

  • Use the mirror to see the back and back of the legs.
  • Pay attention to whether existing birthmarks change, for example, or if you spot a new one.
  • Look to see if the skin patch has grown or changed its color, shape, or appearance.
  • Pay attention to any irritation, redness, itching, blistering, or bleeding in a patch of skin.
Check the spot – get to know your skin spots
One tip is to check your skin spots in a mirror so you can see your back and hind legs more easily. Photo: Idis Buturi

Then there is another survey

If you have a change and need to seek treatment, your doctor will check your skin changes.

The doctor first looks at the whole body to be able to see, for example, whether there are any skin changes that differ from others. If a particular change needs to be examined more closely, the doctor may use what is called a dermatoscope.

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Here you can find out how the scan is performed and the different treatments that can be used: