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Capture One Pro 23 Photo Editing Software

Capture One Pro 23 Photo Editing Software

Danish Capture One Pro is an excellent alternative to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom, with a clear interface and advanced photo editing functions. Now the Capture One Pro 23 is out, six months after the launch of the Capture One Pro 22.

The interface is easy to get to know for experienced Capture One users, but the latest version has more features and an improved workflow.

Smart adjustments should reduce editing time, the photographer can select and group many images at once and you can add gradients in several layers when working with styles (styles).

Layers in patterns. Ill: Capture One

In the toolbar for smart adjustments, you can select edits for a photo in an album and save the changes as a reference for that specific adjustment, which you can then apply to several photos at the same time.

For example, wedding photographers can select their preferred white balance and exposure, which can be applied to any photo with a white dress and black suit, and then edit an entire album with just a few clicks.

Smart adjustments adapt to the photographer’s preferences and take into account only the same adjustments made by the photographer. For example, the white dress adjusts the skin tone and then does not touch the background in the photo.

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When importing photos from folders, it is easier to group photos by similarity – group overview, photos you import from photo folders or directly from the camera after taking photos appear faster on the screen than before.

The photographer can also change the date and time of taking pictures from multiple cameras as the date and time are not synchronized. Similar photos with different edits can be dragged into different albums, so you can, for example, have a variety of all the black and white photos in the same album, without the other variants automatically ending up in the same album.

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Capture One Live, which allows you to share photos and folders with others, also comes in a free version.

Capture One Pro 23 can also import photo folders from Adobe Lightroom, with all modifications unchanged, and a free trial can be downloaded at Yasir Of which website.