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Britain gets a Hindu prime minister – today

Britain gets a Hindu prime minister – today

Rishi Sunak is historic, as it is the first time a practicing Hindu has become Prime Minister in Christian-influenced Great Britain.

After a period of political upheaval, Great Britain has a new Prime Minister. Rishi Sunak, of the conservative Conservative Party, has become historic for becoming the first Hindu to become the leader of this European country. Unlike his predecessors, he did not swear on the Bible, but on the Hindu scripture Bhagavadgita.

It gives me strength

It is not usual for 42-year-old Rishi Sunak, who has been at the top of politics for a long time, to speak about his Hindu faith in public. But two years ago, when he lit a symbolic candle during the pandemic when celebrating Varicose Veins, he said then:

My faith gives me strength and purpose. It’s part of me.

In fact, Rishi Sunak attended a Diwali reception at 10 Downing Street a few days after he was elected Prime Minister.

He later said on Twitter, “I will do all I can in my service to build a Britain where our children and grandchildren can light their Diwali candles and look to the future with hope.” A traditional wreath of roses around her neck.


Rishi Sunak was born in Great Britain, but has Indian roots and his parents came to the country in the 1960s. That he now becomes prime minister would be an important symbol for the multicultural and multi-religious country he will now lead.

His election as the new leader of Britain, which took place through an internal process in the Conservative Party, reverberated around the world, not least in India. It is said with great pride that Rishi Sunak will now lead Great Britain, the former colonial power, and many hope that this will lead to further good relations between the two countries.

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Rishi Sunak is also said to be a friend of Israel, and may follow his representative Liz Truss’ plans to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Facts: Rishi Sunak

  • Rishi Sunak, 42, is the new Prime Minister of Great Britain.
  • He is a conservative politician from the Conservative Party.
  • He became the first Hindu leader of Britain.
  • She has two children with his wife, Akshata Moorthy, who is the daughter of a billionaire.