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Bjorn Wiemann: What have you done this summer of fire and flood?

Bjorn Wiemann: What have you done this summer of fire and flood?

Life’s greatest wisdom is found – as usual – in the ancient wines of Kali Anka. In the classic series “The Flying Rainmaker” from 1953, Kalle runs a company that produces artificial rain specifically designed for hard-hitting area farmers. With his plane, Cali perfected the art of rain-inducing to perfection: he pushes clouds together, injects them with chemicals, makes raindrops fall softly on crops of turnips and gooseberries, in some cases with a precision of millimeters that makes showers spare the peasants. Luxurious women’s dresses for hanging washbasins. Cartoonist Karl Parks said he was inspired by the first experiments in so-called cloud seeding, in which, by spreading chemicals in the air, one tries to influence precipitation.

Kali Anka’s project looks unusual Until now This summer of fire and flood, as paranoid billionaires in cowboy hats launch themselves into space and scientists in The United Arab Emirates started using drones To send electric shocks to the clouds, thus creating artificial rain in the fragile desert condition.

DN: s klimatredaktör Peter Alestig recently invited this summer’s events around the world for “probably the worst series of air disasters ever”. It’s easy to understand – many of them would have been nearly impossible without global warming. During the biblical floods in the medieval cities of Germany and Belgium, masses of water tore the land under people’s feet. Extreme temperatures in the United States and Canada have led to horrific wildfires, the smoke of which has reached the eastern coast of the United States. Iran experienced its worst drought in 50 years, with widespread water shortages and violent protests against the regime as a result. Russia has been plagued by intense heat and catastrophic wildfires in Siberia. India was hit by “terrible” monsoons, which resulted in deadly landslides. And in China, torrential rains of unprecedented intensity – according to some “the worst in 1,000 years” – hit Zhengzhou, flooding subways and causing cars to float like dead fish in the water.

“It feels like we’re living through the first 15 minutes of a catastrophic movie.”

“It feels like we’re living the first 15 minutes of a disastrous movie,” wrote Maureen Dodd, a regular columnist for the New York Times. And like the disaster movie, the researchers get the lead role. Everything they predicted will happen now – only faster and more violently than in the most pessimistic forecast. For once, climate skeptics and science deniers may be right. Researchers she has Exaggerated. They exaggerated both the security and the inertia of a warming world.

Maybe summer will come 2021 later came to appear as the moment when many realized that the climate crisis meant a historical turning point in the living conditions of human beings on Earth – the time when we realized that the stable age that was a prerequisite for the growth and existence of our species had ended and been replaced by something else and more mysterious . What did you do when you realized this was real? Lying on a cliff overlooking the Baltic Sea?

This week The Economist published a fateful front page containing a montage of photos of penguins sitting and watching TV in a thawing frozen ocean. The newspaper stressed, in its editorial, that the weather disasters in recent weeks showed that there is no safe destination from which to monitor them. “We” — the part of humanity that reads The Economist — can no longer rule out the consequences of the climate crisis for polar bears in the Arctic or the poor in sinking river deltas or on islands in the Indian Ocean.

“No place is safe in any of the places that are perceived as safe”

Author Naomi Klein We came to the same conclusion In an article in The Intercept: “There is no safe place in any of the places that used to be seen as safe.” Klein also argued that climate is not a political “issue” that can be treated as one among others. The stability and arrangement of the systems that underlie all life on Earth cannot be distinguished from political topics such as “migration,” “health care,” or “the economy.” That we still do that is a sign of the mechanical insanity of grandeur that underlies the whole problem. “If our climate collapses, everything else collapses,” writes Naomi Klein.

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No, the climate crisis is not an “event”. Rather, it is a new age, in which new phenomena will appear in the form of waterfalls with the passage of time. The summer of 2021 is a rehearsal for the future, but the “climate crisis” will be something different in 2041 than today and something completely different in 2061. No one is safe anymore, whether you live in a sturdy half-timbered house in Germany or under the glowing Dubai desert sky. It will become more and more difficult to control the forces unleashed by man in nature.

And he talks about it. Kali Anka cloud cooker. How did it go for him?

Yes, Jess.

With success in hand, he was blinded by arrogance and a desire for revenge. The end will be, as usual, a disaster.

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