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Bioware confirms that work on Dragon Age 4 is going well.  Despite the great rifts.

Bioware confirms that work on Dragon Age 4 is going well. Despite the great rifts.

There has been a lot of fanfare and hype around Dragon Age 4. Coming from Bioware. The last rumors we heard were that the game could be released at the end of 2023 and that work is in progress. Before that, many big names left Bioware to start their own game studios. Bioware has now written a blog post about Dragon Age 4 and the situation with the game seems to be quite calm. Bioware CEO Gary McKay wrote this in the post:
For the upcoming Dragon Age, we’re in the middle of production, and that feels great. Our blueprint was completed last year, so we’re now focused on building our vision: creating stunning environments, deep characters, powerful gameplay, impactful writing, an emotional cinematography – and so much more. The scheme of the game is well understood and the team is focused.

The big question remains when we will see more of the game. The last time we heard about anything was during The Game Awards 2020 where we got a trailer for the game, which hinted at the game’s story. If it’s a rumor that the game is coming out at the end of next year, we’ll have more meat on the bone already during the year. Hopefully anyway.

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Dragon Age 4, bioware

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